emo love would be a hit if this nigga wasn't blackballed smh
what be making y’all niggas say he blackballed? cause what 21 said? he was talm bout with rappers
what be making y’all niggas say he blackballed? cause what 21 said? he was talm bout with rappers
bro he's blackballed.. he doesn't make music with anyone really, hardly has features.. he's not COMPLETELY blackballed but nobody in the industry supports him because he's burned a lot of bridges. he has one of the most loyal fan bases i've ever seen and if it weren't for that he would just be another underground rapper
even he himself said he's blackballed, if he says he is why would i say any different?
bro he's blackballed.. he doesn't make music with anyone really, hardly has features.. he's not COMPLETELY blackballed but nobody in the industry supports him because he's burned a lot of bridges. he has one of the most loyal fan bases i've ever seen and if it weren't for that he would just be another underground rapper
even he himself said he's blackballed, if he says he is why would i say any different?
yeah he blackballed from rappers he got beef wit everybody and if he don’t get got beef wit they friends lmaoo
as far as the industry idk nigga pretty popular to me contrary to what ppl say on here and cause they see a couple tiktoks he ain’t that big with whites yet
Thought this thread would get more traction
does KTT even fw Youngboy? i can't imagine these weirdo white hipster kids on here listening to this lol
bro he's blackballed.. he doesn't make music with anyone really, hardly has features.. he's not COMPLETELY blackballed but nobody in the industry supports him because he's burned a lot of bridges. he has one of the most loyal fan bases i've ever seen and if it weren't for that he would just be another underground rapper
even he himself said he's blackballed, if he says he is why would i say any different?
i think it's a combination of him not doing any interviews or any type of promo and him having so many beefs in an industry that is ran by friendships. why would he get industry support when he never shows up to these radio stations and gives them content. you can youtube youngboy interviews and theres like one and its him over the phone. plus all his beefs stop him from having big features.
yeah he blackballed from rappers he got beef wit everybody and if he don’t get got beef wit they friends lmaoo
as far as the industry idk nigga pretty popular to me contrary to what ppl say on here and cause they see a couple tiktoks he ain’t that big with whites yet
yeah that's what I meant bruh
god damn this nigga got like 9 billion views on his YouTube channel wtf
if u wanna know who big in the hood go by youtube views niggas love YT lmaoo
Thought this thread would get more traction
KTT got all this fake love to artist just to fit in
Snow Bunny is dope. I been seeing YB and his engineer in alotta tiktoks together lately & he showing him love on this song too. Nice to see yb got close friends
EDIT: On "I Got This" too
“quando bout that jumpout gang these p**** niggas froze up only left one us zipped left 5 of his brothers with they toes up p**** nigga with all that rapper and didn’t even know what’s up “
still going at von