as much as y'all hate the Oscars and Golden Globes, they're the only reason we even get decent movies anymore from Hollywood
no way Scorsese can get a movie made without them
Tom cruise corny ass trying to pretend he had no idea of any of this all these years, giving his awards back for some extra Hollywood brownie points now that the globes are on the hot seat. Countless other non self aware dumbass actors prolly seething mad he thought of it ans did it before them lmao
as much as y'all hate the Oscars and Golden Globes, they're the only reason we even get decent movies anymore from Hollywood
no way Scorsese can get a movie made without them
Sadly, this is kinda true. Especially for a lot of directors.
Even before this scandal everyone already should have known the golden globes had no legitimacy.
All it takes to win is to give the members gifts and fly them out to fancy showings
yeah I remember denzel washington saying this in his 2016 golden globe speech lol ( at 8:49)
Denzel: "Freddie Fields, he invited me to the first HFP lunch and he said, they're gonna watch the movie, we're gonna feed em, they're gonna come over, you're gonna take pictures with everybody, you're gonna hold the magazines, take the pictures and you're gonna win the award, I won that year"