  • Jan 31

    He done knocked her up for podcast promo

    Classic Bigby!

  • Mar 22
    1 reply
  • Saturday

    Oh boy here we go...

  • Mar 22
    2 replies

    These guys stink

  • Mar 22

    Wow this had the craziest turn around ever

  • Mar 22

    These guys stink

  • Mar 22
    1 reply

    These guys stink

    seems like they apologizing for the jokes tho?

  • Mar 22
    1 reply

    seems like they apologizing for the jokes tho?

    Still very tasteless n gross that they would even joke about that s*** . As a victim of SA myself people who even feel comfortable enough to joke about that are awful in my book

  • Call me a snowflake idc

  • Mar 22
    1 reply

    Still very tasteless n gross that they would even joke about that s*** . As a victim of SA myself people who even feel comfortable enough to joke about that are awful in my book

    oh understandable.

    I respect them for stepping in front of it and admitting they looked like idiots and a******s but I get it. It was gross and even if you didn't see the doc, you should know better than to even play with s*** like that or at the very least, leave that s*** off camera.

    You not a snowflake dog sorry you went through that btw.

  • insertcoolnamehere

    oh understandable.

    I respect them for stepping in front of it and admitting they looked like idiots and a******s but I get it. It was gross and even if you didn't see the doc, you should know better than to even play with s*** like that or at the very least, leave that s*** off camera.

    You not a snowflake dog sorry you went through that btw.

    Appreciate it man

  • Mar 24
    1 reply

    Let me guess they about to apologize like Dan did

  • Urameshii

    Let me guess they about to apologize like Dan did

    There's a big difference between making a joke on a TikTok Live stream because you're uncomfortable/thrown off by the comments demanding you make a statement and doing what Dan Schneider did

  • Mar 25
    1 reply

    What's the summarized version? I only watched up to Ned getting Moze pregnant

  • Mar 25

    My interest dropped once they started talking about Moze f***in everyone on set except Cookie. Idk I guess that's what I really wanted to hear about and when I did they didn't have anything juicer for me to tune in for

  • Mar 25
    Tito Ninety Four

    What's the summarized version? I only watched up to Ned getting Moze pregnant

    Ned's set was largely unproblematic outside of teen shenanigans. No adult abuse or child endangerment or anything. Scott Fellows, Dan Norris, etc. seem to be all cool people. Dan Schneider had no input or involvement in Ned's.

    People got mad last week because Devon (Ned) on a TikTok stream while people were asking them to talk about Quiet on Set joked about Daniel (Cookie) being trapped doing sound editing and being unable to join the stream and then said to Daniel something like "you're stuck in your hole.... and give me your holes". Just an impulsive raunchy comment made between friends that had basically nothing at all to do with the doc. Then they immediately followed that up by apologizing because they realized how recent the Quiet on Set stuff happened and how people were talking about it in comments.

    This ep has them apologizing for that joke in-depth and giving context, while also discussing some stuff that's happened to them personally now that they've seen the show.

  • Didn't know Drake Bell saw their Tiktok and called them out on Twitter.

    Imagine making a raunchy joke to your homeboy and someone overhears and thinks it's about them. I feel like we've all been there in some form but this is cranked up to an insane degree.

    What an awful situation to be in. Not trying to be too sympathetic to these guys, but it's pretty clear it was just a quick joke that they then went "oof let's maybe not make a joke like that right now." Can't take that s*** back on the Internet
