  • Mar 16, 2020

    So 11 months ago, I posted the following on KTT:

    "Hello best section of KanyeToThe! long time no see

    I heard an instrumental at the Raptors game that sounded way too >familiar but I can't pinpoint the exact song. It was pretty much heavy >808s but I tapped the rhythm that I could possibly remember on a >Vocaroo by the way we winning the championship

    If you fellow music section members can help me I will be in your debt >for a few days before I get sick of the song! thx!!!!!!!!!!!

    EDIT: Go to 7:20 of this video and you'll barely hear it"

    After 11 months, I have shamefully found the beat that I was talking about through a damn TikTok.

    Here it goes:

    Thank you for listening.

  • Mar 16, 2020