  • Mar 3, 2022

    After working back and forward in web development and logistics, I finally want to give it all up and work towards something I'm more passionate in.

    I'm looking into starting a company thats based in my hometown with a goal to connect creatives and talent across my home state, along with promoting the street/nightlife culture in the areas they come from. This achieved through lookbooks, videos, social media, and possibly start up a magazine or something similar.

    I'm starting from square one and am looking to buy a photography camera this week. Price isnt much of an issue but I also dont want to overpay for the quality nor buy the wrong one. I've read that mirrorless is preferred? and have looked at a few models like the Canon EO6 R6. I want to know if this is the right camera for me and if it would be good enough for magazine/lookbook quality. A majority of the pictures I will take will be candid-style photos and headshots.