if anyone can give me any pointers on this pad sound throughout the song i'd appreciate it thanks.
I noticed there's a ringing sound coming out of the left ear in the audio, not sure if that was on purpose.
if anyone can give me any pointers on this pad sound throughout the song i'd appreciate it thanks.
big tip is learning sound design and youll be able to create s*** like that on a dime. also it sounds like some old yamaha synth try checking out the arturia v collection and check out the yamaha dx7 and just go thru the presets and tweak it til it sounds right to you. you can just pirate that s*** tbh
big tip is learning sound design and youll be able to create s*** like that on a dime. also it sounds like some old yamaha synth try checking out the arturia v collection and check out the yamaha dx7 and just go thru the presets and tweak it til it sounds right to you. you can just pirate that s*** tbh
could you recommend any videos on sound design if you have any i'll def check out that yamaha collection tho