maybe she has a sweating disorder or poor diet idk, then she's f***ed I guess
Would be lowkey heartbreaking
You got to take a shower together and show her how good hygiene works, do your routine and give tips without mentioning it. If it doesnt work, u can still say it straight to her face
You got to take a shower together and show her how good hygiene works, do your routine and give tips without mentioning it. If it doesnt work, u can still say it straight to her face
Would u say it to someone's face? Realistically
Especially someone u like
Would u say it to someone's face? Realistically
Especially someone u like
Yes, to close ppl, but i never had a situation like u, but if she really smells bad and tolerating doesnt work, i think u somehow have to tell her, but cautiously lol
Yes, to close ppl, but i never had a situation like u, but if she really smells bad and tolerating doesnt work, i think u somehow have to tell her, but cautiously lol
To be 100 with u I'm prolly gon tolerate it tbh. Till hopefully she address it or get rid of it
Hilariously i have a pic of her literally looks like she's smelling her hand and enjoying it
Can't make this s*** up
Im going out with this girl that i think is cute and really sweet! But there's something weird and i feel bad saying it tbh cuz she's very nice and its a very shallow thing but she kinda always has an unwanted "smell"! (Not even joking) Which i thought was gon be a one time thing but no it's always stays there! Ion know how to address it to her or even allude to it tbh! I kinda need a plan or something cuz its a rly stupid situation
I dunno if you seen parasite yet but keep all that smelly talk to yourself b
you might end up getting murked
I dunno if you seen parasite yet but keep all that smelly talk to yourself b
you might end up getting murked
Lmfao ik what u talking about!
That was the plan anyways
Maybe with time my nose will get used to it and become numb
Think back to the 16th century Europe
Yeah or the stone age etc
Prolly some nasty s***
"ay you like taking showers?"
i been chuckling at this for like 20 minutes. thank you
i been chuckling at this for like 20 minutes. thank you
How dare you laughing at my QUEEN
To be 100 with u I'm prolly gon tolerate it tbh. Till hopefully she address it or get rid of it
More power to you tbh
She might be Indian that eats a lot of spicy food.
Nop! Eats lots of pizza tho
Wanted to post the one where she literally looks like smelling her hand and enjoying it lmfao! Don't know how to post here?
Wanted to post the one where she literally looks like smelling her hand and enjoying it lmfao! Don't know how to post here?
! then the link
Pic on my phone! Where i get the link?
u can use Imgur then get the jpg. link