  • Mar 28

    You can not redo was confusing, didn’t explain much about what happened when shinji was in a coma

    If you try to focus on plot or lore with rebuilds 3 & 4 you’ll have a bad time i promise you

    Asukas eye was from her eva getting “posessed” by Bardiel in 2.0 i think. You’ll get more context with that later

    But its also a meta reference to her EoE incident

    You’ll never know exactly what happened during Shinji’s coma. Im not a fan of the rebuilds but I do like how f***ed up and confused we feel as the viewer in Shinjis shoes during Redo.

  • Thrice upon a times is the best ending

  • Not different choice, but your original point is correct. You won't miss what's going on in the movie if you do your specific watch order. Unless you've never seen the franchise, it won't really matter.

    If you're new then you have to watch the whole series first

  • First time watching the original series. Im on ep 8 and have many questions. How much should I be looking up online to clarify stuff that happens in each ep? Is being confused ab the overall world the story takes place part of the viewing exp?



  • Incredible series.

    Rebuild up next