...imagine ignoring the finer points of this movie and saying it lacks substance
There are no finer points in Zack Snyder's s***. He's a director that has some distinctive, cool editing styles but like I said pay too much attention and you'll be bored or at worst annoyed.
Damn I really enjoyed this more than I expected. Characters were dumb but I didn’t expect too much from them tbh
Wonder wtf that baby was supposed to be
Zack is an amazing visual director. I'm not surprised his writing is trash
The entertainment portion balances out tho
There are no finer points in Zack Snyder's s***. He's a director that has some distinctive, cool editing styles but like I said pay too much attention and you'll be bored or at worst annoyed.
Youre incredibly wrong and being a little willfully obtuse.
Can't save em all I guess
Zack is an amazing visual director. I'm not surprised his writing is trash
The entertainment portion balances out tho
If james gunn wrote this, we'd honestly be havin a different conversation
This is just way too long. It was a good movie but by like 3/4 thru I was over it.
I had 30 minutes left of this s*** when i thought it was over lmao
If james gunn wrote this, we'd honestly be havin a different conversation
Can somebody tell me why Bly Tanaka didnt just... give them the code for the safe, because its his? Idgi
Can somebody tell me why Bly Tanaka didnt just... give them the code for the safe, because its his? Idgi
1. Just cuz its his safe doesn't mean he knows the code lol. He probably had others monitoring the safe and they died or disappeared. Which leads into the next point
2. He never gave a s\*\*\* about the safe. Its revealed he sent multiple squads into the area and used the safe as a scapegoat. But in reality he just wanted to send in bodies to bait zombies so that one of his undercover guys could extract parts and sell their DNA for billions to the govt.
1. Just cuz its his safe doesn't mean he knows the code lol. He probably had others monitoring the safe and they died or disappeared. Which leads into the next point
2. He never gave a s\*\*\* about the safe. Its revealed he sent multiple squads into the area and used the safe as a scapegoat. But in reality he just wanted to send in bodies to bait zombies so that one of his undercover guys could extract parts and sell their DNA for billions to the govt.
I mean it is possible that he didnt know the code. Just something i was curious about.
Why did the slimy dude who cut the head off not just leave aftewards? Was it necessary for him to head back for the fake heist, he coulda just dipped imo
Them soldiers at the start were maaad dumb tho how do you get absorbed into a convo that you dont see headlights of oncoming traffic, i actually understand the married dude, bruh was getting his nut off, but damn lmao
I mean it is possible that he didnt know the code. Just something i was curious about.
Why did the slimy dude who cut the head off not just leave aftewards? Was it necessary for him to head back for the fake heist, he coulda just dipped imo
Them soldiers at the start were maaad dumb tho how do you get absorbed into a convo that you dont see headlights of oncoming traffic, i actually understand the married dude, bruh was getting his nut off, but damn lmao
Swear to god Snyder has never driven a car in his life. Some awful drivers in Justice League too
I mean it is possible that he didnt know the code. Just something i was curious about.
Why did the slimy dude who cut the head off not just leave aftewards? Was it necessary for him to head back for the fake heist, he coulda just dipped imo
Them soldiers at the start were maaad dumb tho how do you get absorbed into a convo that you dont see headlights of oncoming traffic, i actually understand the married dude, bruh was getting his nut off, but damn lmao
yeah I think their portrayal is definitely very pointed lol. Same with that dude who cut the head off or Tanaka. Snyder views them all as idiots because he hates establishment and some people here kinda wrote about it but he mirrors them to be the studio execs at WB lmao.
My theory on why he didn't leave straight away is that he was an idiot who didn't think about the fact that zombies would be coming for his head immediately tbh. I mean throughout the movie he is kinda portrayed as a delusional dumbass who thinks hes right about everything.
Movie was dumb fun can't say I went in expecting more Snyder doing what he's always been good at I enjoyed it
Movie was dumb fun can't say I went in expecting more Snyder doing what he's always been good at I enjoyed it
is it worth watching?
is it worth watching?
Definitely if you wanna turn your brain off and watch a fun zombie movie. One of the best action movies this year for sure.
Definitely if you wanna turn your brain off and watch a fun zombie movie. One of the best action movies this year for sure.
LOL I PLAY LFD2 All the time ill enjoy this XD
Bruh you do know why he was okay tho right?
Infected or not he would’ve literally dropped dead from the radiation before he could even turn
Infected or not he would’ve literally dropped dead from the radiation before he could even turn
My god.....
Okay dude. Sure.
I know this nigga didn’t just walk out into the epicenter of a nuke in a tank top and a shemagh
You do realize you just watched a movie with f***ing robot zombies, yet this is what’s bothering you? Nigga ofc the movie ain’t realistic
My god.....
Okay dude. Sure.
People are getting crazier and crazier with the backlash. People be like “ZOMG THATS NOT HOW YOU HANDLE A GUN” but blatantly disregards that it’s a ZOMBIE movie Movie is supposed to be an action filled fun movie and it did that great. My only real complaint is his daughter. Would of preferred if they scratched that storyline. 7/10
You do realize you just watched a movie with f***ing robot zombies, yet this is what’s bothering you? Nigga ofc the movie ain’t realistic
No, there’s a lot more dumb s*** in this movie that bothered me.
Which is why I said “god damn this was awful” shortly before seeing this nigga casually step out into the blast zone of a nuke, which according to some is acceptable because he’s infected, which would erase the entire purpose of the nuke since you could be “okay” so long as you’ve turned and weren’t directly under the payload.