seems like it will be geared for another 60-70% response from Rotten Tomatoes
which I mean is a win for him
classic zombie movie 8/10
see it in the theatre if yall got a chance
batista so dope need him as bane in zsjl2
Why no activity? The movie is on Netflix. Get in people! A damn shame that it’s not in Dolby vision and Dolby atmos though
Why no activity? The movie is on Netflix. Get in people! A damn shame that it’s not in Dolby vision and Dolby atmos though
The release date is three days from now?
The release date is three days from now?
Never mind. Major fail from me hahah. It was just the trailer. But trailers usually doesn’t come on Netflix?? I mean before the movie
Why no activity? The movie is on Netflix. Get in people! A damn shame that it’s not in Dolby vision and Dolby atmos though
Not yet. Watchin this one carefully
Lol not gonna help his pretentious/,snob reputation one bit 😂😂😂😂
Media trying their hardest to bring negativity to Snyder? What a surprise!
He literally said it himself lol
Appearing on The Playlist’s “Fourth Wall” podcast, Snyder shared the following: “There’s no sitting down, like, I banned chairs from the set. But the nice thing is, it’s really intimate. I can just talk to the actors right there, I’m not back in a monitor across the room. It was definitely the most purely engaged I’ve been making a movie.”