What are some events you've attended with or without the express purpose of networking and meeting other people? Anything enjoyable which you'd recommend?
Go to eventbrite n search free networking events in your area
Anyone show up?
Anyone show up?
ya vro i was meeting long time friends theres ppl i been talking to from ktt for like a fckn decade now
Recently I went to my neighbor's kid school potluck as a sub for the parents and it was one of the best time I've had this year. The event was quite festive actually and everybody showing up in their festive clothes. I brought my sister, we both dressed tf up too and everybody thinks we are the youngest, most hip looking parents in the school. No lie I greatly enjoyed the attention. The food was amazing, I got to talk with many new people. Everybody feeling festive and having a good time. Was also surprised to see our "son" is so hyper when he's with his friends. This kid is mostly quiet, sometimes playful sure but none wild like we seen that day. Little dude is the class clown and the leader
Onlyfan parties is where iv done my most networking . Trhey dnt care when u just online but when u pop out the buisness opportunities come
Onlyfan parties is where iv done my most networking . Trhey dnt care when u just online but when u pop out the buisness opportunities come
Lmao which ones, they had some in an area where highkey they were just selling it. Did u go to one where it was a actually party / buisness affair or wild s***.