Dope af
When I was on my gains s*** I’d eat a burrito with double everything twice a day Slowed down when lockdown closed gyms though
Double everything, bowl, and 2 tortillas on the side
Double everything, bowl, and 2 tortillas on the side
Always loved the chips too
I ate some KFC earlier today and I have been on the toilet for the last 30 mins.. my stummy BIG hurt
Always loved the chips too
Most of my muscles definitely made of chipotle Lmaoo
Most of my muscles definitely made of chipotle Lmaoo
How long you been playing tennis for? Ive always been really good at it but I wanted to play teams for basketball more growing up so I never took it that far sadly
so you was taking a s*** and thought "fuck, this would be the perfect time to run to KTT2" ?
so you was taking a s*** and thought "fuck, this would be the perfect time to run to KTT2" ?
I needed closure during that troubling experience
chipotle is like basic veggies some chicken and rice how tf did i f*** you up
I’m not from the US but I was on holiday they’re a while back and I had chipotle and it made me nauseous.
Also I went to Del Taco and there was a clear liquid dripping from the taco.
How long you been playing tennis for? Ive always been really good at it but I wanted to play teams for basketball more growing up so I never took it that far sadly
Only for about 2 years but I was always kinda into sports. I like it because there’s a skill factor as well as just athleticism
Get some good stuff in your diet. I'm talking fermented foods it's good for your stomach. No more 40s and sardines for dinner OP. F*** around with some kombucha and some kimchi maybe a lil yogurt. Love yourself. Chipotle is a meat and vegetables place it shouldn't do that to you.
Chipotle almost KILLED me once
Spanish food is delicious but its also painful 😣
Spanish food is delicious but its also painful 😣
I don't even mean in that way. I got so sick after eating at Chipotle once. 103 fever, bronchitis, coughing up blood at night. Just not good.
chipotle is overpriced asl. idk how some folk can stomach paying 7 bucks for one damn burrito
I don't even mean in that way. I got so sick after eating at Chipotle once. 103 fever, bronchitis, coughing up blood at night. Just not good.
That hot sauce is satanic. Whole household heard me s***ting flames
aight i’m glad everybody else had this experience too cause i felt like a hoe on that toilet, s*** was beating me