  • Oct 23, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    I said it's not easily solved by throwing money at it. Not that he doesn't need help, which I said he does need like 3-4 times already itt

    Its not easily solved I agree.

    But it’d be a breath relieving temporary solution to a nigga that’s currently using his platform to inspire nazis and alt right niggas right now

  • Oct 23, 2022

    Don’t think anything he’s said has been taken seriously since he ran for President

    But big corps, media, and elites have never taken him seriously anyway. He’s always been counter culture but difference is that counter culture was cool in the 2000s. Now everyone is a corporate shill

    Nothing he’s said has been taken serious since he’s said he’s bipolar

  • Oct 23, 2022

    It can be life threatening. I told y’all how my mom and Ye shared similar stories with mental health but it also caused her to lose contact with everyone because of her lashing out on the family and turning to d**** to cope and unfortunately I found out that she died a few days ago. I haven’t fully processed it and it’s tricky because our relationship was non existent because of things that have happened. It’s awful honestly.

    I am sorry to hear that.

  • Oct 23, 2022

    Bipolar can become schizophrenia pretty easily if left untreated.

  • Oct 24, 2022

    It can be life threatening. I told y’all how my mom and Ye shared similar stories with mental health but it also caused her to lose contact with everyone because of her lashing out on the family and turning to d**** to cope and unfortunately I found out that she died a few days ago. I haven’t fully processed it and it’s tricky because our relationship was non existent because of things that have happened. It’s awful honestly.

    So sorry to hear that


  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    You really think mental health issues are so easily solved by throwing money at it lol?

    Get Ye’s d*** outta ur mouth

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Get Ye’s d*** outta ur mouth

    Get mine outta yours

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Nothing kanye says has ever been taken seriously by the mass media — they always purposefully misrepresent his statements to make him seem crazy because they’re afraid of him.

    Kanye is influential and they don’t want people to believe him because he’s usually right even if he doesn’t say things in the right way // even though he doesn’t explain things in ways most people understand.

    Like when he was exposing the music industry and they had to “shut him up” and say he was acting crazy etc… but what he was saying was all true and we all know it.

    Obviously kanye is not a nazi but if the media calls him one it’s easy to make people disregard him and never listen to him. He’s obviously angry at people who are using their Jewish heritage as a shield. He’s obviously not hating every single person who is a Jewish person just for being Jewish. He hates people who are in power and happen to be Jewish who are using their Jewish heritage to avoid any criticisms i.e. if they start to get exposed by Kanye or anyone they just call Kanye a neo-nazi and then poof they don’t have to worry about anymore criticism at least until someone else calls that person out. Essentially (in his view) Kanye is pissed that people who have a lot of power over the world are using WW2/Hitler’s evil as a shield to avoid criticism. He’s not antisemitic.

    Beautiful post, This is facts.

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Please don’t post your phone number. You can follow each other and send a DM to them.

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Nothing kanye says has ever been taken seriously by the mass media — they always purposefully misrepresent his statements to make him seem crazy because they’re afraid of him.

    Kanye is influential and they don’t want people to believe him because he’s usually right even if he doesn’t say things in the right way // even though he doesn’t explain things in ways most people understand.

    Like when he was exposing the music industry and they had to “shut him up” and say he was acting crazy etc… but what he was saying was all true and we all know it.

    Obviously kanye is not a nazi but if the media calls him one it’s easy to make people disregard him and never listen to him. He’s obviously angry at people who are using their Jewish heritage as a shield. He’s obviously not hating every single person who is a Jewish person just for being Jewish. He hates people who are in power and happen to be Jewish who are using their Jewish heritage to avoid any criticisms i.e. if they start to get exposed by Kanye or anyone they just call Kanye a neo-nazi and then poof they don’t have to worry about anymore criticism at least until someone else calls that person out. Essentially (in his view) Kanye is pissed that people who have a lot of power over the world are using WW2/Hitler’s evil as a shield to avoid criticism. He’s not antisemitic.

    tbh i dont think it's mass media wanting to make kanye seem crazy

    like i dont think its execs in a board room going "how do we make people believe kanye is crazy?"

    I think it's way more boring than that ... I think they want to post "crazy" kanye things bc the more crazy it is the more money they'll make

    no one wants to run a story on how kanye also has some good ideas

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    People severely underestimate his condition. So occupied with showing off their moral outrage about what he said that they lose sight of the reality that he has BD and goes on and off medication and what kind of impact that can have on people

    I 100% agree with this but at the end of the day you really can't deny that his words have a meaning no matter if they were pronounced under duress or not.

    From the moment that it affects some people's life playing the bi-polar card is a cheap way out to me.

    As long as he kept firing his rants against the Hollywood ecosystem you could laugh it off and point out the fact that he probably wasn't on medication or some s***.

    But comments on abortion, jews, parroting everything Candace Owens says... participate to bolster right wing bozos' beliefs so miss me with "but he's bi-polar". You gotta factor in that fact but his words are his words

  • Oct 24, 2022
    Lord Quas

    I mean, before being put back on meds, I was experiencing delirium & paranoia.

    So there are different levels to this s***.

    Then again, Bi-Polar's essentially sporadic mood changes.

    I feel like since he was diagnosed at a later stage in life & how he cut meds cold turkey, it f***ed up his brain chemistry even more.

    The paranoia is so irrational at times and feels so real. If I had money I would be saying off the wall s*** too

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    I 100% agree with this but at the end of the day you really can't deny that his words have a meaning no matter if they were pronounced under duress or not.

    From the moment that it affects some people's life playing the bi-polar card is a cheap way out to me.

    As long as he kept firing his rants against the Hollywood ecosystem you could laugh it off and point out the fact that he probably wasn't on medication or some s***.

    But comments on abortion, jews, parroting everything Candace Owens says... participate to bolster right wing bozos' beliefs so miss me with "but he's bi-polar". You gotta factor in that fact but his words are his words

    Watch channel fives Donald trump jr book signing video and tell me Kanye isn’t just falling victim to conspiracy’s told to him by right wing folks

  • Oct 24, 2022

    It gets worse as you age :(

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Watch channel fives Donald trump jr book signing video and tell me Kanye isn’t just falling victim to conspiracy’s told to him by right wing folks

    Yeah obviously but he's the one saying it at the end of the day so play stupid games win stupid prizes

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Look on the bright side

    We’ve gone 48 hours without an interview.

    Which means, someone/s got to him and told him to chill the f*** out.

  • kttmz ⚰️
    Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Look on the bright side

    We’ve gone 48 hours without an interview.

    Which means, someone/s got to him and told him to chill the f*** out.

    Or he did 6 more interviews which didnt make it because of the wild s*** he said

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    bipolar is actually a ridiculously dangerous thing

    13% of bipolar people commit suicide, higher than depression and schizophrenia

    the mania can be extremely destructive. you can end up in jail or hurting people just because youre essentially psychotic

    the depression can obviously be crippling and the combination of mania and depression is very confusing to people who dont understand it. once they do understand it they will label you as crazy because you are in fact crazy

    the key to controlling bipolar is to understand that THE HIGHER YOU GO, THE HARDER YOU FALL!!! This is EXTREMELY important to understand. Being manic feels really good and you can make it much stronger using d**** or by not sleeping, or just by having a lot of good things happening in your life. But the stronger the manic episode, you are GUARENTEED to have an equally strong depression

    The other thing is there are these mixed episodes that can happen. This is when you are depressed and manic at the same time. Far away the most dangerous state of mind. You have tons of energy and your very racy/psychotic, but you feel like S***. Very sad or angry. This is when people commit suicide or get arrested

    Lastly, if you think youre bipolar, go to a f***ing psychiatrist (PLEASE do not go to a psychologist they are USELESS). You need medications. F*** what anyone says, you NEED medications. Without meds, bipolar has the WORST outcomes for any mental illness. You have literally a 40-50% chance of completely ruining your life. If you cant afford a doctor honestly id find alternative d****, legal or not. I rather have someone take a klonopin or 2 every day and be mildly stable than have some sober f***ing mercurial mess. Bipolar people dont react to d**** like normal people. Finding the right relationship with d**** is the best way to mediate your illness

    Edit: its very important to understand what psychosis is. People think of schizophrenia when they think of delusions, hallucinations, etc. But bipolar can be just as strong in these areas as schizophrenia. This is dangerous because people wont notice that your'e actually losing touch with reality until its too late. Thats why medications are so important, they prevent that from ever happening

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Or he did 6 more interviews which didnt make it because of the wild s*** he said

    Media (unlike nore types) gaining a conscience that this is a mentally ill person they’re giving a platform to say alarming things while they are in an unwell state wouldn’t be a bad thing either.

    Y’all gotta remember Puff loves Kanye too. Prolly the real reason the interview got took down had nothing to do with the jews or george floyd (cause there’s interviews where he talks bout jews that are still online)

    It’s probably cause Puff didn’t like the fact a show he is attached to has male groupies (and I loved Nothin, but NORE was being a grouppppie) enabling a mentally ill person with alcohol to say f***ed up s*** when we all know they are in a bad place.

    Dude was yelling for niggas to kill him. Yeah, I’m telling niggas to take that video down if my mans is acting THAT f***ed up on camera.

  • Oct 24, 2022

    its not mental illness its just being a Conservative

  • Oct 24, 2022

    I'm LIT

  • JeffersonSteelflex

    It can be life threatening. I told y’all how my mom and Ye shared similar stories with mental health but it also caused her to lose contact with everyone because of her lashing out on the family and turning to d**** to cope and unfortunately I found out that she died a few days ago. I haven’t fully processed it and it’s tricky because our relationship was non existent because of things that have happened. It’s awful honestly.

    My condolences gang

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Nothing Kanye says will be taken seriously again

    This is racist

  • JeffersonSteelflex

    It can be life threatening. I told y’all how my mom and Ye shared similar stories with mental health but it also caused her to lose contact with everyone because of her lashing out on the family and turning to d**** to cope and unfortunately I found out that she died a few days ago. I haven’t fully processed it and it’s tricky because our relationship was non existent because of things that have happened. It’s awful honestly.

    So sorry for your loss

  • Oct 24, 2022
    The StepFather

    This is racist

    nigga stop.