  • PIMP 💿
    Aug 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Neville Goddard the goat. He didn't follow law of attraction though, He preached Law of Assumption.

    The Law of Assumption is a means of manifesting desires by having a state of mind and the feeling that those desires, wishes, and aspirations have been fulfilled already.

    Basically acting like you already got everything you want to manifest. Eliminating the loop of manifesting the desire rather than the fulfillment.

    What is this big brain s***

    So bro manifesting it without actually even doing it in rl?

  • Aug 13, 2022

    What is this big brain s***

    So bro manifesting it without actually even doing it in rl?

    The law of assumption fixes the main issue with the law of attraction. The law of attraction can leave you in a loop of just manifesting the desire for s***. You tell yourself "I want to be rich" then just keep manifesting the desire within yourself. The law of assumption means you just act like you've already got it. You tell yourself "I am rich" for example. The technique he made for this is called SATS (state akin to sleep) where you go to bed and right as your about to sleep, you visualize already having what you want and exactly how you'd feel if you got it. Then go to sleep, wake up, and go about your life not thinking about it and just working. Then when you go to sleep, do the same thing again. Make it a habit and you will manifest your goals quickly. That's the idea

    Here's a video on it

  • Aug 13, 2022

    I think it’s just mentally shaping your reality. Like we all do it already but it’s about controlling the thoughts and energy.

    Little things happen all the time.

    For example,

    I randomly thought about an old classmate I haven’t seen or talked to in years. A day later I randomly hear someone call my name while I’m pumping gas and it’s my old classmate. It was very weird to me.

    I believe I attracted that interaction. I put some emotion and energy into that thought, then I let it go. I Forgot about it, and then my reality matched that.

    The key is to “let go” which is why small things you don’t really care about May manifest minutes later. But when people try to manifest “big” things that they cannot mentally “let go” or “detach” from the outcome, they never give the opportunity for the world to match that.

  • Aug 13, 2022

    Classic Ye song