Fake Flowers so dope, wish Curren$y wasnt on it tho - sounds like he needs to blow his nose.
Currensy lowkey ruined the vibe on that beat with that goofy ass delivery he used smh
Close for me I’m not gonna lie, but I put KD2 on in the gym after Bo Jackson and that s*** put a smile on my face
I love BJ, but can't see anybody topping Nas. It would take a lot
I love BJ, but can't see anybody topping Nas. It would take a lot
KA at the end of the month
but yeah I agree. But I think Nas x Alc would be even better… and we’d have features like Freddie, Roc, woods etc instead of the trash artists Hit usually works with
Didn't get a chance to listen pass track 3. Hoping to get to listen today. Got a hectic ass day today. Smh
KA at the end of the month
but yeah I agree. But I think Nas x Alc would be even better… and we’d have features like Freddie, Roc, woods etc instead of the trash artists Hit usually works with
Ka bout to snag AOTY easy….
KA at the end of the month
but yeah I agree. But I think Nas x Alc would be even better… and we’d have features like Freddie, Roc, woods etc instead of the trash artists Hit usually works with
Nas is his own competition at this point, an Alc collab would be flawless
Hopefully no trash feats on KD3 but I doubt it 💀
In for Ka too