yup this is classic although nothing we havent heard other than one line maybe.
he was rapping on this s***
how is this new?
it's literally the same as previous snippets just higher quality (which can be A.I.)
this song not even that good, the only thing that made this song good was the can u be loop snippet years ago because that fragment sounded more club-like
but this song mid
how is this new?
it's literally the same as previous snippets just higher quality (which can be A.I.)
this song not even that good, the only thing that made this song good was the can u be loop snippet years ago because that fragment sounded more club-like
but this song mid
i cant remember ever hearing the clear search history line.
was the only new thing i heard
Why was this song so hyped? I mean I was part of that too but this song isn’t THAT crazy lmfao
I do think this would have smashed harder than All day tho
i like the song but most of its hype is entirely because of the time we first heard it
coming off yeezus right in the middle of a kanye drought in a time where you didnt get 50 new kanye leaks a week
you might get 3 low quality snippets in 2 years and this was one of them so people were excited to hear anything they could and now this is a " grail " because it isnt one of the 4 million kanye songs to leak in the last 5 years
This song is not that good yall gotta let it go
Def overrated
Basically a meme at this point