the first thing Man does after gaining knowledge is involving himself in technology (ashamed of his nudity, sews the fig leaves together to cover himself)
Happy New Year Everyone!
I created this channel/video for that biblical motivation when im working out or working.
Hope this helps you, let me know your thoughts
Happy New Year Everyone!
I created this channel/video for that biblical motivation when im working out or working.
Hope this helps you, let me know your thoughts
! man. I'll add it to the op
If you believe in Jesus you'll be saved
If you do as he commanded you'll be saved*
Love God
Love your neighbour
I grew up Baptist and looking back it was the right denomination tbh. I like Baptists.
1. Believer’s Baptism – Baptists practice baptism only for those who make a personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ. They reject infant baptism and baptize by full immersion in water.
2. Biblical Authority – The Bible is the sole rule of faith and practice, and Baptists emphasize its authority in all matters of doctrine and Christian living.
3. Local Church Autonomy – Each Baptist church is independent and self-governing, without a central hierarchy or governing body.
4. Priesthood of All Believers – Every believer has direct access to God through Jesus Christ, without the need for priests or intermediaries.
5. Religious Freedom and Separation of Church and State – Baptists have historically been strong advocates of religious liberty, believing that faith should not be compelled by the government.
6. Congregational Governance – Church decisions are typically made by the congregation, with leadership from pastors and elders but without hierarchical authority.
7. Evangelism and Missions – Baptists emphasize spreading the Gospel through missionary work and personal evangelism.
Since October I have been going to mass every Sunday and it feels amazing. Felt naturally compelled, over the years it was mainly for major Christian holidays, etc. but I love the peace it brings me and guidance to my everyday life
I have a technical question.
The three wise men, also known as the Magi, are mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2, verses 1–12. The Magis were Zoroastrians and in Zoroastrian tradition the three future saviours are mythologised as born of maidens, conceived while their mothers bathed in a lake that miraculously preserved the seed of the prophet Zoroaster himself.
Zoroastrian tradition envision three future saviours with one for the end of each thousand-year period that comprise the last 3,000 years of the world (these three millennia follow the "millennium of Zoroaster").
The first saviour is undeniably Jesus according to the three wise men and the gospel!
The problem with the prophecy we face here is that we all missed the saviour that was supposed to come a millenia after Jesus and the third one is still coming soon,,
If you do as he commanded you'll be saved*
Love God
Love your neighbour
There is no salvation through works, only faith is required to be saved. Good works come naturally as a result of genuine faith, however.
There is no salvation through works, only faith is required to be saved. Good works come naturally as a result of genuine faith, however.
I won't get into a debate but I'll just say this. If that was how you get saved jesus would have just said that whenever he was asked. "Faith alone" came from his 13th apostle that wasn't even around when he was alive.
Everytime Jesus was asked about salvation he said follow the commandments.
Modern christians have been bamboozled into not doing real spiritual work and thinking believing in something will stop them from sinning. Do the work. Focus on the work and your faith will multiply tenfold without even a bit of effort I promise.
Catch yourself in judgement of another and say "Father forgive me. That is not my job but yours." Christians will come to me and say some dumb s*** like "would you forgive someone who killed your son"
What choice do I have? One thing faith means is trusting that whatever God has planned for you is for the greatest good. If you have faith but you ain't doing the work then you probably don't really have faith.
Salvation is about being saved from your sins. If you are still regularly sinning after years of having faith and it isn't getting any better then you are not saved. Like Jesus said you are a slave to your sin.
I speak from first hand experience. When i stopped focusing on having faith and just loving God (being devoted and surrendering daily) and loving my neighbour (not judging or condemning and seeing the unity in us all) my faith, my peace and my love was extremely abundant.
Ya'll gotta be honest with yourself at some point. You're supposed to walk with God in the here and now not wait for some point in the distant future in the afterlife in heaven. It is not difficult or impossible but like Jesus is a narrow path. Stop waiting, start grinding.
Also this don't mean you renounce your faith and stop saying whatever it is you think you gotta say to be saved... you've already said it now but there's still plenty plenty of work to do. Make that your focus now not trying to strengthen your faith.
I won't get into a debate but I'll just say this. If that was how you get saved jesus would have just said that whenever he was asked. "Faith alone" came from his 13th apostle that wasn't even around when he was alive.
Everytime Jesus was asked about salvation he said follow the commandments.
Modern christians have been bamboozled into not doing real spiritual work and thinking believing in something will stop them from sinning. Do the work. Focus on the work and your faith will multiply tenfold without even a bit of effort I promise.
Catch yourself in judgement of another and say "Father forgive me. That is not my job but yours." Christians will come to me and say some dumb s*** like "would you forgive someone who killed your son"
What choice do I have? One thing faith means is trusting that whatever God has planned for you is for the greatest good. If you have faith but you ain't doing the work then you probably don't really have faith.
Salvation is about being saved from your sins. If you are still regularly sinning after years of having faith and it isn't getting any better then you are not saved. Like Jesus said you are a slave to your sin.
I speak from first hand experience. When i stopped focusing on having faith and just loving God (being devoted and surrendering daily) and loving my neighbour (not judging or condemning and seeing the unity in us all) my faith, my peace and my love was extremely abundant.
Ya'll gotta be honest with yourself at some point. You're supposed to walk with God in the here and now not wait for some point in the distant future in the afterlife in heaven. It is not difficult or impossible but like Jesus is a narrow path. Stop waiting, start grinding.
Also this don't mean you renounce your faith and stop saying whatever it is you think you gotta say to be saved... you've already said it now but there's still plenty plenty of work to do. Make that your focus now not trying to strengthen your faith.
Make that your focus now not trying to strengthen your faith.
This is an insane statement.
My point is that faith alone is required to be saved, and by that faith, you WILL do real spiritual work. If you feel repentant for any sinning that you do, and make an effort to avoid sin, and even begin to hate sin, then it means you’re saved. That’s it
If you truly believe with all of your heart, then you’ll avoid sinning because it will feel disgusting to do so. You’ll make a concerted effort to walk the narrow path because you have genuine faith that Christ died for us.
When we open our hearts to him, God works through us. He causes us to do these things. It’s not a “start grinding” situation where we need to lock in. It’s a very natural process if the faith is genuine.
Our God is a sovereign one. He has complete control over who he chooses to save. There’s no way you can work your way into salvation if you’re name isn’t written in the book of life.
There’s no constant work to be done to keep being saved. That strips God of his sovereignty, places salvation in our hands, and spits in the face of the sacrifice that Christ made for us. He paid the fee for all of our sins, we don’t need to keep paying that fee. We only need to believe that he died for us and the rest comes natural.
The Catholics have it completely wrong. They believe a false doctrine
I have a technical question.
The three wise men, also known as the Magi, are mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2, verses 1–12. The Magis were Zoroastrians and in Zoroastrian tradition the three future saviours are mythologised as born of maidens, conceived while their mothers bathed in a lake that miraculously preserved the seed of the prophet Zoroaster himself.
Zoroastrian tradition envision three future saviours with one for the end of each thousand-year period that comprise the last 3,000 years of the world (these three millennia follow the "millennium of Zoroaster").
The first saviour is undeniably Jesus according to the three wise men and the gospel!
The problem with the prophecy we face here is that we all missed the saviour that was supposed to come a millenia after Jesus and the third one is still coming soon,,
Since the Bible uses zoroastrian priests to narrate the miraculous birth then their prophecy must be true or else why would God guide them by the star to the barn
The Magi Visit the Messiah
2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magia from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:
6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
who will shepherd my people Israel.’b”
7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”
9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.