they saying ye did this to give the hint to industry that drake be doing this stuff
Song calling him a pedo beat his record, it's burning
And Lucian working overtime to try to stop the bleeding
A line playing off of mortal man would’ve been hard
“That nigga made God’s Plan, you say he touched them kids?”
The only reason they spreading conspiracies and dumb s*** is because they can't find any other evidence... The only thing we gettin is women who people saying he groomed coming out saying the opposite
That's it. Now they're jumping into stupid conspiracies that make zero sense and that they can't possibly tie Drake to. That's all you need to know that they don't have s*** on Drake.
If i ever blew up that big with a crew i'd have to have framed posters all around the house sayin "NO WEIRD S***"
For all the dogs?!?
The s*** I've seen said the past few days and the wild connections trying to be made has blown my mind 😂🤯
they saying ye did this to give the hint to industry that drake be doing this stuff
Yeah this is schizo territory lmaoo
I better never see another feature on a drake album lol
Same tbh. And cut Yachty, 21, Cash Cobain, all them niggas off.
Same tbh. And cut Yachty, 21, Cash Cobain, all them niggas off.
ALL of em. I mean this is egregious
those dog masks do be weird do ngl
Drake's just a troll. People want him to be the rap messiah so bad and he doesnt fit that narrative so they hate him while he taunts them. Still #1. They can cry a river and drown in it.
we all drake fans here
or kendrick fans
or drake haters
but from the perspective of a normal person (someone who isnt interested in all this) - when they see this s*** on twitter I'm pretty sure they immediately believe in this s*** without a second thought
this s*** pretty damaging. Even if kenny has no receipts.
If i ever blew up that big with a crew i'd have to have framed posters all around the house sayin "NO WEIRD S***"
Unfortunately, you can't know what every single person around you is up to at all times. It's people who aren't really part of the crew but try to move around like affiliates who'll use your name to get girls and s***. It's f***ed up.
those dog masks do be weird do ngl
You gonna let those K-Thots run with this now
ALL of em. I mean this is egregious
I'm just tired. He should just lock back in with the OG crew.
Unfortunately, you can't know what every single person around you is up to at all times. It's people who aren't really part of the crew but try to move around like affiliates who'll use your name to get girls and s***. It's f***ed up.
small circle the biggest key
The s*** I've seen said the past few days and the wild connections trying to be made has blown my mind 😂🤯
Those people are mentally ill, man.
Social media just exposing how f***ed up some people are to make s*** up s*** like that.
Same. I don't know how anyone listened to this song and thought he was waving the white flag.
Think it was the whole "this been fun to stretch the pen" and the fact it was right at the end
These people have the attention span of a fish so can only remember that
He did sound sorta like baffled that people really running with the Pedo s*** but he shoulda expected it with how many people stans would be against anything he did or put out
Yo I just realised drake rapped like that on the third verse on FM cus Kendrick likes drake rapping with the melody
Hailey has NEVER said she dated Drake. That's a blatant lie.
Yeah Drake just wearing her necklace after dinner was a friendly thing
Not in Toronto
Clout chasing. Don't take this seriously.
I'm just tired. He should just lock back in with the OG crew.
I appreciate that he wants to help upcoming artists… but I hope this is a harsh lesson for the whole crew.. they built something from nothing on their own terms not with these other guys.