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  • May 8, 2024
    3 replies

    Alright fellas. So Whitney's brother name is Taylormade. He's a westcoast producer. He's cool with the TDE camp but I'm unsure if he's produced anything for them. Now, why would Whitney unfollow her brother 1 may wonder. Well you gotta understand how gangbang politics work. Alotta cali gangbangers hit their women and the reason the women don't report that ish is cause they use the set to intimidate and sway them to not say anything. Kdot camp is panicked about the idea of Whitney speaking or releasing proof so they've been tryna Press amd convince her not to say or reveal anything. This is part of the reason kdot flew outta nyc Saturday afternoon back to California. Tde tryna use whitneys brother to convince Whitney not to say or allude to anything. Thus her unfollowing her flesh and blood but still following Mr dave free the babydaddy.

  • May 8, 2024
    2 replies

    The difference between Mal acting like a child, screaming and throwing a tantrum, and Joe Budden being excited because Kenny conducted himself exceptionally in the battle, is huge!!!!!

  • May 8, 2024

    Where's Viet btw?
    I was off for a long time before the beef.

    May 8, 2024
    2 replies

    So many parties

    But 0 allegations? Lmao


    If people spent more time on their lives than drake fan theories they would be a lot happier

    if you looked through the thread it shows a video of her implying that she had to sign a NDA

  • May 8, 2024

    The difference between Mal acting like a child, screaming and throwing a tantrum, and Joe Budden being excited because Kenny conducted himself exceptionally in the battle, is huge!!!!!

    Joe just happy he can relate to Kendrick

    Chris Benoit would be proud

  • May 8, 2024

    Like this one

    Ewww brother Ewwww

  • May 8, 2024
    Kenzo Killuminati
    · edited

    Alright fellas. So Whitney's brother name is Taylormade. He's a westcoast producer. He's cool with the TDE camp but I'm unsure if he's produced anything for them. Now, why would Whitney unfollow her brother 1 may wonder. Well you gotta understand how gangbang politics work. Alotta cali gangbangers hit their women and the reason the women don't report that ish is cause they use the set to intimidate and sway them to not say anything. Kdot camp is panicked about the idea of Whitney speaking or releasing proof so they've been tryna Press amd convince her not to say or reveal anything. This is part of the reason kdot flew outta nyc Saturday afternoon back to California. Tde tryna use whitneys brother to convince Whitney not to say or allude to anything. Thus her unfollowing her flesh and blood but still following Mr dave free the babydaddy.


    May 8, 2024
    1 reply
    Kenzo Killuminati
    · edited

    Alright fellas. So Whitney's brother name is Taylormade. He's a westcoast producer. He's cool with the TDE camp but I'm unsure if he's produced anything for them. Now, why would Whitney unfollow her brother 1 may wonder. Well you gotta understand how gangbang politics work. Alotta cali gangbangers hit their women and the reason the women don't report that ish is cause they use the set to intimidate and sway them to not say anything. Kdot camp is panicked about the idea of Whitney speaking or releasing proof so they've been tryna Press amd convince her not to say or reveal anything. This is part of the reason kdot flew outta nyc Saturday afternoon back to California. Tde tryna use whitneys brother to convince Whitney not to say or allude to anything. Thus her unfollowing her flesh and blood but still following Mr dave free the babydaddy.

    mental illness

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    if you looked through the thread it shows a video of her implying that she had to sign a NDA

    This is very very very very very

    Very very very very very very common

    Don’t pretend drake is the only artist who does NDA’s lmao

    May 8, 2024
    4 replies

    you people need help and Jesus

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    The difference between Mal acting like a child, screaming and throwing a tantrum, and Joe Budden being excited because Kenny conducted himself exceptionally in the battle, is huge!!!!!

    Yup ur right the difference is Mal is just a normal person who’s giving his opinion while there this other weird person who’s a pedo

  • May 8, 2024

    you people need help and Jesus

    Stay tf up out the thread then?

  • May 8, 2024

    you people need help and Jesus

    Why because we critically think whilst you fall for any bait on Twitter?


  • SecondRing

    Will only slow down if something else takes it’s place in terms of have a cultural significance.

    Drake gotta drop a banger like back to back.

    Drake can drop the craziest hit of his life, it still won't outdo Not Like Us. That's because it's like a dozen fanbases supporting Kendrick right now, including pop fans like Swifties.

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    You got people running around finding random girls to pin the victim label on them because of a stupid rap beef, but this is weird?

  • May 8, 2024

    Like this one


  • May 8, 2024
    Kenzo Killuminati

    Alright fellas. So Whitney's brother name is Taylormade. He's a westcoast producer. He's cool with the TDE camp but I'm unsure if he's produced anything for them. Now, why would Whitney unfollow her brother 1 may wonder. Well you gotta understand how gangbang politics work. Alotta cali gangbangers hit their women and the reason the women don't report that ish is cause they use the set to intimidate and sway them to not say anything. Kdot camp is panicked about the idea of Whitney speaking or releasing proof so they've been tryna Press amd convince her not to say or reveal anything. This is part of the reason kdot flew outta nyc Saturday afternoon back to California. Tde tryna use whitneys brother to convince Whitney not to say or allude to anything. Thus her unfollowing her flesh and blood but still following Mr dave free the babydaddy.

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    You got people running around finding random girls to pin the victim label on them because of a stupid rap beef, but this is weird?

    You have people harassing little kids and mothers saying “ha you’re drakes babymama” “did Drake touch you??”

    And they think they’re good?

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply

    Yup ur right the difference is Mal is just a normal person who’s giving his opinion while there this other weird person who’s a pedo

    Nothing normal about how Mal was carrying himself in that conversation

  • May 8, 2024

    You have people harassing little kids and mothers saying “ha you’re drakes babymama” “did Drake touch you??”

    And they think they’re good?

    But won’t call that weird, loser behaviour. Like gtfoh


    mental illness

    Actually simple logic. Why would a sister unfollow her brother days after it's been alleged that the sister has been getting beat on physically. Domestic violence

    If I had a sister who told me she was hit by another man, I know exactly what'd I'd do. And it wouldn't lead to my sister unfollowing me

  • May 8, 2024
    2 replies

    Nothing normal about how Mal was carrying himself in that conversation

    Mal ain’t a pedo and a women beater and a crackhead so there’s that


    Mal ain’t a pedo and a women beater and a crackhead so there’s that

  • May 8, 2024

    you people need help and Jesus

    Shut up you f***in clown

  • May 8, 2024

    Mal ain’t a pedo and a women beater and a crackhead so there’s that

    "If a girl say NO STOP one time and you pull your pants up you a fa**ot"