Today is a beautiful day
Ecco dropped, i copped the MBV discography on vinyl, and pre-ordered the deluxe edition of the new Porter Robinson album. life is good
I want to meet someone
Oh, let's go have some fun
I want a human body
I want to be someone
Did some simple mockups incase there's no merch or it's stupid limited (which it probably will be)
Did some simple mockups incase there's no merch or it's stupid limited (which it probably will be)
Holy s*** wow I would definitely cop this. This is clean af g
Yoooo how did I miss this
Did some simple mockups incase there's no merch or it's stupid limited (which it probably will be)
if yall fw this album then peep this Oli XL album
been listening to this non stop past 2 weeks
has an ecco2k feat. too
tapes ass
one good song
Did some simple mockups incase there's no merch or it's stupid limited (which it probably will be)
buying a white
in the flesh
I'll probably wait a week or so to see if he does anything and if he doesn't I'll see about getting a few of them printed
I'll probably wait a week or so to see if he does anything and if he doesn't I'll see about getting a few of them printed
let me call the DG CEO, just wanna make sure if he's okay with it
let me call the DG CEO, just wanna make sure if he's okay with it
That's not a real drain shirt, that is a fake bro