will reddit be too scared to open the vinyl this time
and will we bully a kid into deleting his entire existence off the internet again
and will we bully a kid into deleting his entire existence off the internet again
harryjam where are u
harryjam one of the funniest things I’ve seen happen on KTT in years, felt like the glory days
thats a 3 yo song if we count Frank Ig post lol
Ninjas think it’s new it ain't new
Old files just turned two yea it flew yea
Still sound like it's coming soon
Coming soon
Still sound like it's coming soon
Tell the truth
will reddit be too scared to open the vinyl this time
link thread
and will we bully a kid into deleting his entire existence off the internet again
Yes sir! Yes sir !! Yes!! Yes!!!!YES!!!!!
little demon never leaked? wow
little demon never leaked? wow
Frank saod in an interview he keeps everything on him
The idea of a frank ocean vinyl sounds so f***ing pretencious.
first learn how to spell pretentious if you’re going to use it. secondly, it’s nothing but an artist releasing music on vinyl weirdo. mf on here can’t even criticize something without abusing that word.
first learn how to spell pretentious if you’re going to use it. secondly, it’s nothing but an artist releasing music on vinyl weirdo. mf on here can’t even criticize something without abusing that word.
No. Specifically a frank vinyl of a single called little demon sounds pretentious af. The fact that its remixed also.. my f***ing God. Im glad the frank spell wore off of me, cus this guy is a f***ing douche bag.
No. Specifically a frank vinyl of a single called little demon sounds pretentious af. The fact that its remixed also.. my f***ing God. Im glad the frank spell wore off of me, cus this guy is a f***ing douche bag.
oh I forgot for a second that you’re a known troll, my bad..