if yall was really focused on the bag you'd already moved on, but yall too worried about pronouns and how it makes it confusing to do the same work u gotta do regardless
fr this not even a problem and if it was its above all yalls pay grade. head down keep it pushin. it aint a good time to get fired or quit from a "large tech company" rn bcoz you will be struggling to get your foot back in that door
it reads like a whitest kids you know sketch almost
I feel like slip ups happen at work whether it’s the incorrect pronouns, incorrect name etc I would just try to note it and apologize because unless you’re being intentional I don’t think anyone would take offense to a mistake
So i work at a large tech company in HR, and we recently hired a new graduate who uses we/us/our pronouns. We have a very strict policy at work that you have to use whatever pronouns anyone has, but this particular set is very difficult for the english language to accomodate. When you are referring to this person, you have to say "we just got hired and we have a degree from columbia", even though you arent talking about yourself.
Needless to say, this can be very confusing and a lot of people have straight up refused to use our pronouns. This has resulted in verbal and written warnings being handed out and even someone quitting in one case.
Im just wondering if anyone has any advice on how we should approach this issue?
Needless to say, this can be very confusing and a lot of people have straight up refused to use our pronouns.
mf trollin y'all
F*** em
Can't you just use the person's actual name or words like "that person" ?
only if they identify as a person dumbass
Do they not?
do *we not
you really need to take a step back and regroup before making further mistakes
it reads like a whitest kids you know sketch almost
Bruh was this the guy that was trolling walking around in the KKK costume?
I vaguely remember this from early 2000s