"I Don't Give a F**k About This Rap S***, Imma Just Drop Until I Don't Feel Like It Anymore"
I usually don't make threads like this, but the fact that there isn't even a thread for this album, let alone no discussion for it is criminal to me imo. Although I wouldn't have found out about this album if I didn't have my hipster homie put me on last night.
Not much else to say, bless yourself and go seek this s*** out on the DSP's
Here are two of my favorites off it if you're (understandably so) lazy
this was all produced by the same guy btw (Kahlil blu)
s*** fire
I agree with this take. Honestly it's been a lot of very solid underground rap releases this year that I'd say are miles ahead of the mainstream rap albums released.
I agree with this take. Honestly it's been a lot of very solid underground rap releases this year that I'd say are miles ahead of the mainstream rap albums released.
Drop some more
I gotta give this a listen. His last album didn’t keep me going back, but the rapping was top top tier. Dude is a monster in that regard
This my favorite rap album to drop this year
https://soundcloud.com/mikultbl/sets/the-garden-of-the-mind-1Ok never heard of this, will check out