  • Dec 11, 2021

    qanon followers just decided to randomly come out with the conspiracy kyle rittenhouse is actually a crisis actor and was previously a child who was killed in sandy hook

    why? who knows

  • Dec 11, 2021

    This one might actually be to distract from the Maxwell trial lol. QAnon all feds

  • Dec 11, 2021

    DemAnon predicted this!

  • Dec 11, 2021

    Is it true someone was recording him all night?

  • Dec 11, 2021

    The only similarity is they’re whites and have chubby cheeks. Tf is wrong with these people.

  • Dec 11, 2021
    5 replies

    doesn’t even look like him. QAnon is the feds trying to s***coat any attention toward real conspiracies. controlled opposition

    same with Alex Jones

  • Dec 11, 2021

    i dont get it. two seconds looking between them and youd know they arent the same person

  • Dec 11, 2021
    2 replies

    Why u posting this bro lol make it seem like u believe it and lowkey tryin to spread it

  • Dec 11, 2021

    Why u posting this bro lol make it seem like u believe it and lowkey tryin to spread it

    i think it's hilarious

  • Dec 11, 2021

    wait they saying that dead kid is Kyle?

    this s***s sickening

  • sonyatv 😽
    Dec 11, 2021

    Cacs, man

  • Dec 11, 2021
    2 replies

    doesn’t even look like him. QAnon is the feds trying to s***coat any attention toward real conspiracies. controlled opposition

    same with Alex Jones

    its always hard to say if its feds or not because a lot of the people who get into this stuff are genuinely unhinged. a lot of the organization stuff or encouragement of doing specific stuff like "hey friends let's do a terrorism amirite!" is definitely fed entrapment, but this is so incredibly niche and esoteric of a conspiracy kept to a small array of message boards, telegram channels, and like 1 post on r/conspiracy that it feels like some people are just delusional. it's like the gangstalking stuff, where thats definitely just small groups of delusional people playing into each others paranoia, i think this is likely the same

  • Dec 11, 2021

  • Dec 11, 2021
    1 reply

    How long until they come out with the “Life as you know it is a LIE. KILL YOURSELF to access your TRUE life!” theory?

  • That last forum post looks dated asf

  • Dec 11, 2021

  • Wtf

  • Dec 11, 2021

    How long until they come out with the “Life as you know it is a LIE. KILL YOURSELF to access your TRUE life!” theory?

    there's a few major ones every decade

  • I see it no but this racist

  • Dec 11, 2021

    could you get any more insensitive than claiming a murdered 6 year old faked his death and is now pretending that he killed 2 people?

  • Dec 11, 2021
    1 reply

    op what got u interested in dis stuff u always bring the heat w ur political opinions n information so i aint frontin, i just wonder what u like bout researchin dis kinda material

  • Dec 11, 2021

    These people are either f***ing lunatics or really skilled trolls. No in between

  • Dec 11, 2021
    1 reply

    op what got u interested in dis stuff u always bring the heat w ur political opinions n information so i aint frontin, i just wonder what u like bout researchin dis kinda material

    i personally find conspiracy theories interesting from an anthropological/sociological standpoint, like the nature of how people get increasingly unhinged or how conspiracies develop relative to events or information and how that reflects group dynamics
    there are "fun" conspiracy theories as well where if you treat them like fiction or something, then they're just as interesting as reading literature; stuff like the crazy alien-atlantis conspiracies or people talking about illuminati reptilians similar.
    however for people like this who have crazy unhinged/detached incoherent conspiracies i think that A) its incredibly interesting how group dynamics in out-groups lead to an ever-moving fringe and how that maniefsts relative to current events and B) they deserve to be mocked for having these opinions

  • Dec 11, 2021

    Why u posting this bro lol make it seem like u believe it and lowkey tryin to spread it

    loool... please dont post these completely bizarre theories.. chances are americans will belive them!

  • Dec 11, 2021
    1 reply

    doesn’t even look like him. QAnon is the feds trying to s***coat any attention toward real conspiracies. controlled opposition

    same with Alex Jones

    Not Alex Jones