This album gonna be classic, if you’ve ever done Keto you know that s*** gives you super powers / super focus.
I’m bout to start back up on it again
We get it. They're from FLINT. Holy s*** lol
this is a great article but i really wish they would tell us where these 3 people are from
This album gonna be classic, if you’ve ever done Keto you know that s*** gives you super powers / super focus.
I’m bout to start back up on it again
It's different for everybody and usually takes a few days of being fatigued before you fully enter ketosis....
“In Brown’s first time meeting West, the rap artist and fashion mogul heard that Wallace was on a keto diet. About 15 minutes later, the chefs got a text from West saying that he wants all the meals to be keto from there on out.”
Kanye only on keto because one of the chefs said they were on a keto diet. Even Ye’s eating habits are last minute
Ye must be top 3 funniest artists
“Ever since I started working for Ye, its been a challenge. He brings the best out of me,” Wallace said. “When he walks into a room, his aura is so big. It does something to you. When you are cooking for one of the best entertainers of all time, you can do nothing but be great yourself.”
He talking like he on Donda
He is