Just called Push. He said Dot needs to stop doing tricks on it and fight his own battles
I know for sure Push circle hates Drake so this cap or u secretly hate the Drizler
Acting like they won already is cringe, especially given how obvious it was that the first 2 Drake joints were bait
Oh the irony 😂. Drake fans been claiming he won all week. Shut up goof
Acting like they won already is cringe, especially given how obvious it was that the first 2 Drake joints were bait
They should just @ Game but they won't do that
Acting like they won already is cringe, especially given how obvious it was that the first 2 Drake joints were bait
Oh you mean how Drake, His camp and fans been doing for the last 2 weeks?
Acting like they won already is cringe, especially given how obvious it was that the first 2 Drake joints were bait
Its corny to support your homie in a beef 😂😂
Thats what your homies are supposed to do, Drakes homies was doing the same
Acting like they won already is cringe, especially given how obvious it was that the first 2 Drake joints were bait
Oh you mean how Drake, His camp and fans been doing for the last 2 weeks?
Since when was drake camp acting like they won
What’s Drakes angle on the next diss? Do either of these guys have the songs (with the “real” diss fodder) they keep gesturing at actually recorded and ready to go?
Will Drake prolong this whole thing by trying to wait out whatever album/EP Kendrick allegedly plans to release in May, under the auspices of “any record in response to euphoria is playing into a sales ploy by Kendrick”?
Since when was drake camp acting like they won
The delusion is f***ing real
Drop 🤮 drop 🤮 drop 🤮 drop 🤮
Rap rap
I like drake with the melodies
The accuracy 😂😂😂😂 true crodies
What’s Drakes angle on the next diss? Do either of these guys have the songs (with the “real” diss fodder) they keep gesturing at actually recorded and ready to go?
Will Drake prolong this whole thing by trying to wait out whatever album/EP Kendrick allegedly plans to release in May, under the auspices of “any record in response to euphoria is playing into a sales ploy by Kendrick”?
Drakes prolly gonna talk abt him being fake gangster then Kendrick is really gonna up the score
Imagine quoting others reaction to this