So do yall think the critics who was ass kissing and praising him for being pro-trans on Auntie Diaries gonna conveniently ignore him dissing men for acting feminine and backtracking on his own art?
entire diss was s*** either ross or twitter has been saying for years
im crine
if some info new gets out y’all say „this isn’t a diss track this is gossip 😭“ make up your mind
Did Drake get a f***ing bbl, nose job and tummy tuck with the 8 pack ab extender
This diss might finally get ppl on drakes ass about saying nigga tho
But he’s black tho
S***'s hard but papi's angels on here saying s*** weak cause we know their leader getting cooked
As a Drake Fan I WANTED kendrick to have a good diss, mannn now imma have to watch them gas this trash up
bro stop yall was gonna hate whatever this nigga put out
Wish I didn’t have so much of hip hop twitter muted /blocked to see what the responses to this track r but they’re so obnoxious omg
Alright I'm ready for it to get darker
This ain't nun but Twitter's thoughts in Kendrick flow
kendrick fans was hyping that the reply was gonna be ether level when this s*** is rap devil level
this is eminem level but recovery level
not at all
i knew it was very over the second i heard story of adidon
this s*** is terrible
You right now:
Story of Adidon still the ONLY good Drake diss song lmao
Joe Budden
I f***ing hate Drake stans man
I’m not a Drake Stan Bro, Deadass Kendrick could win this beef easily but he’s fumbling
If you half the world sees you as black.
i’ll take your word for it i have 4 black grandparents cant relate
This is definitely a bait track
This is what you say when you know the s*** is ass