Kendrick sounds like he doesn't wanna rap
On a technical basis he’s slightly declining — but the overall decline is like going from a 10 to a 9
This what happens when you take long in the modern era
You let Twitter tell all the jokes already
Yup lmao that ab line doesn’t hit the same when you’ve already heard it a million times along with the dead beat s***
what did drake say about kendrick that changed the perception of him? he short?
that hes a b**** for top
What does it say on the first like two seconds where it's reversed
'Everything they say about me's true!'
And the crazy part is he gonna get a pass and then they’ll act like you’re a hater when you call him performative
You guys gotta be the only two people in the world who give a f*** about this 😂
At least Drake gotta respond to this 😭 s*** funny asl
Push ups was teasing a nuke
Taylor made was teasing a nuke
Euphoria is teasing a nuke
Round 1 is over…
4 tracks into the beef and no nuke yet
another bar here "You know I got language barriers, huh
There's no accent you can sell me" unless it goes over ur head. im a drake fan btw but it's ignorant not to acknowledge bars from both side
Why would this go over anybody head
I like drake with the melodies I don’t like drake when he act tough!!!!!
Let me see if chubbs really crash something
Angels coping
Yall waited 4 weeks for THIS
and Drake fans are the ones coping? lmao
"The black experience isn’t all ghettos and gang banging."
Yet that's what he's been trying to portray for the past 5 years or so...
use ya brain .
That’s called giving people what they want. So every rapper before him that portrayed a tough guy image is no longer valid. The fact still remains Drake is black so that’s not even a good diss. Like while corny calling Kendrick short is factual
So where’s the quintuple entendre
bro doesn’t even have a single double entendre 😭