Is tht all u got from pushups?
A percentage of his revenue goes to his label?
Wow what exposure
This one counts without being on DSP’s tho? Just curious
Both have funny lines, I enjoyed both songs personally.
I like the aggression here, I just expected a little more
An Adidon light
This what happens when you take long in the modern era
You let Twitter tell all the jokes already
yeah but twitter getting those jokes off in literal minutes so whats even the point then lol
okay he made up a story about top taking 50% with no proof
While J Prince owns his life
In Kendrick's big career moment, his big diss to Drake, to claim potentially greatest of his generation, he:
1. Called Drake one of the goats
2. Says he hopes Drake and Cole are his real friends
3. Said he likes when Drake does melodies
This is not getting it done. He showed way too much respect to Drake. He fumbled badly
Auntie Diaries always been my fave track on Mr Morale and The Big Steppers, go search my name in the thread if you don’t believe me
I'm not s***ting on u, I'm saying we can't act like that song was big when we in beef, it's corny
there’s definitely a case of deja vu with some of the bars especially if you keep up with this stuff but there’s enough new stuff that should provoke him
It's quite simple.
This is nothing more than a bait track laid out by Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick is baiting out Drake's nukes, and once that has happened, Kendrick Lamar will lay down the final track with the biggest nukes he has on Aubrey Drake Graham and end his career. Y'all had a good run, Papi's Angels. But it stops here.
both sides running with this narrative
wonder which one is tru ...
im not believing mr j prince stopped me from dropping this nuke guy!
Overall Like That still his best diss
Like that is the best song
Push ups is the best diss
okay he made up a story about top taking 50% with no proof
Kendrick fans talk about kdot similar to how CNN and msnbc talk about bidens economy. Keep carrying his water
my 401k and stock investments at all time high
you just blaming others for being broke
In Kendrick's big career moment, his big diss to Drake, to claim potentially greatest of his generation, he:
1. Called Drake one of the goats
2. Says he hopes Drake and Cole are his real friends
3. Said he likes when Drake does melodies
This is not getting it done. He showed way too much respect to Drake. He fumbled badly