What am I supposed to do when Iron Fist jumps in front of me and hits me with the 8 Trigrams 64 Palms
Nobody ever picks support
They probably should've made a more well known/popular character support class. Rocket Raccoon and the shark are fun to play though.
Nobody ever picks support
It’s already balancing out . People realizing how Op support really is . I been a Luna w**** since game one
Skill gap feels kind of low
Most of the roster is easy to play with tbh
Then you got OP mfs who can team up like Magnito and Scarlet
What am I supposed to do when Iron Fist jumps in front of me and hits me with the 8 Trigrams 64 Palms
psylocke main atm
I wish I was good with her, her design is so good
Edit: gahdam autocorrect f***ed me on that one
What am I supposed to do when Iron Fist jumps in front of me and hits me with the 8 Trigrams 64 Palms