iron fist is legit the only broken character
Nah Scarlett and Magnito as well
Them some like f***ing Wolverine just needs a complete Buff
Nah Scarlett and Magnito as well
Them some like f***ing Wolverine just needs a complete Buff
only thing that bothered me with wanda was the ult but i know how to avoid it now. magneto combo with wanda is crazy though
iron fist is legit the only broken character
Lol there are more, Hawkeye is worse
Lol there are more, Hawkeye is worse
S*** I find myself playing the same way with black widow no scope
iron fist is legit the only broken character
Iron Fist is only OP in lower levels. If the team focus on him, it's pretty easy to take him out
Magnito a tank? Because he's nice.
Tried thor last night and he's OK
Yea he is. Wish I liked him but I suck with dude
My only real complaint is that the sense of progression is not there… there’s nothing to really work toward and unlock right now. Hoping they fix this in the future. I get that they want you to buy skins and things but damn man I want to progress toward something
My only real complaint is that the sense of progression is not there… there’s nothing to really work toward and unlock right now. Hoping they fix this in the future. I get that they want you to buy skins and things but damn man I want to progress toward something
game is sorta fun but i don't think it will hold my attention for much longer. the team fights seem to be the weakest thing by far and i think that's cause it's not very clear who is alive or dead on either team at any given point, so it's kinda difficult to know when it's time to fully engage. so much of the "team fights" feel like both groups just firing off ranged attacks and getting healed until one group backs off a bit and the other can advance. the character kits also lack any sort of real engage or pick potential, like a winston jump or roadhog hook, which doesn't help. most games end up feeling like team deathmatch with a side objective. it's brand new so things might improve as people learn the game, the meta solidifies and new characters are added but i think this is clearly the type of gameplay the devs were going for and it's not bad, it's just not for me
game is sorta fun but i don't think it will hold my attention for much longer. the team fights seem to be the weakest thing by far and i think that's cause it's not very clear who is alive or dead on either team at any given point, so it's kinda difficult to know when it's time to fully engage. so much of the "team fights" feel like both groups just firing off ranged attacks and getting healed until one group backs off a bit and the other can advance. the character kits also lack any sort of real engage or pick potential, like a winston jump or roadhog hook, which doesn't help. most games end up feeling like team deathmatch with a side objective. it's brand new so things might improve as people learn the game, the meta solidifies and new characters are added but i think this is clearly the type of gameplay the devs were going for and it's not bad, it's just not for me
game feel very casual which is fine but i only stick to this type of game if it's a bit competitive
I’ve seen people either absolutely love or absolutely hate Jeff
Make sure yall turn on the setting that announces who is dead on your team . It’s helpful
My only real complaint is that the sense of progression is not there… there’s nothing to really work toward and unlock right now. Hoping they fix this in the future. I get that they want you to buy skins and things but damn man I want to progress toward something
I'm tired of progression in my shooters man. Let me just have fun and shoot again and again in matches
Idk why I thought this was that marvel card game. Been seeing clips on X might check it out
I'm tired of progression in my shooters man. Let me just have fun and shoot again and again in matches
Progressing toward something like skins or voice lines would absolutely add to the fun in this game, not take anything away. You can still have fun shooting things. We literally earn nothing for completing matches, it’s just kinda lame
Make sure yall turn on the setting that announces who is dead on your team . It’s helpful
Essential for warlock players. Thanks