Hate that my friends refuse to learn other characters . So I’m stuck with being tank or support smh . I’m being held back!
Awesome, lmk
seen you just made diamond good s*** bro i requested to join earlier but yall might have been in match screen
seen you just made diamond good s*** bro i requested to join earlier but yall might have been in match screen
Yeah I got my boy to finally get on and we went on a 9 game win streak. S*** was lit. My b, I didnt see your request
Yeah I got my boy to finally get on and we went on a 9 game win streak. S*** was lit. My b, I didnt see your request
that's awesome, i'm only up to diamond 2 now, last night was rough with my homies. win, loss, win, loss 😂
i can’t use dps i’m not good with any of them lol
I’m only good with psylocke and iron man lol I’m so used to tanking or supporting that I never learned any dps. I’ll prolly learn more when we get Mr fantastic and blade
the ranking system forcing me to play through 50 games of +50/-20 to reach my hidden elo is pretty annoying
i can’t use dps i’m not good with any of them lol
i felt the same but the practice vs AI is your friend, guarantee with enough time in there as any hero you will feel way more confident with them
first 40 bomb with starlord in comp still lost tho
i dont get it should i dive the healers with him or what we only had one tank
i also dont know hat the healers even look like lol
other team has this thor that just wouldnt die smh
I feel like he never dies when he’s on the other team, but the moment I pick him suddenly I can’t stay alive at all
would yall say 2 tanks are necessary
Definitely not but it depends what the rest of the team comp is like. When I see one tank with 3-4 small squishy dps i die a lil inside
Hit Gold
Buffing 2 of my mains
They surely needed it. Venoms ult sucks and C&D just needs a slight overall buff. Hopefully they shortened the switching animation
Buffing 2 of my mains
They surely needed it. Venoms ult sucks and C&D just needs a slight overall buff. Hopefully they shortened the switching animation
C&D already go crazy tbh but I get the buff one of my mains
Glad Cap and Wolverine getting a buff