kinda excited for this. don't really play much multiplayer anymore but og overwatch is one of my all time faves and this might give me a bit of that for a while
I’m in the same boat. I miss when OW was actually good plus I love marvel
So are we expecting a good game? How was the beta?
Beta was crack rocks
Young (I'm assuming) wolvie with the hoodie/jacket is a crazy design
Like easily up there close to the top for me and I've seen it once. Fact that it's his default look is insanity, feels like one of the more creative moves they've done with the character in many years
Beta was crack rocks
Glad to hear it. Can’t wait to replace my cod addiction with this instead
Young (I'm assuming) wolvie with the hoodie/jacket is a crazy design
Like easily up there close to the top for me and I've seen it once. Fact that it's his default look is insanity, feels like one of the more creative moves they've done with the character in many years
I hated it as a knee jerk reaction at first but upon further inspection it’s hard and a very inspired choice
Glad to hear it. Can’t wait to replace my cod addiction with this instead
same, i've been off cod for like 2 weeks now, got very old very quick
So are we expecting a good game? How was the beta?
beta was amazing. this is my first hero shooter i really played. it was a joy getting good at each of the characters. i had one homie who played with me every day and it became routine. fun as hell tho sometimes infuriating when you get teammates who don't help
same, i've been off cod for like 2 weeks now, got very old very quick
new zombies map tomorrow
Todays the day
I hope this blows up
wait when does it drop today ? it won’t let me download on xbox
I hated it as a knee jerk reaction at first but upon further inspection it’s hard and a very inspired choice
S*** hard as f***, it's like SSX wolverine
the shoes aren't my favorite but they hard too
I, for one, can't wait until more supports, healers specifically, get added. Jeff and rocket are some of the dopest healers I've played in a game like this
can we preload this on ps5
I like the art style they’ve gone with, I just have no interest for the particular genre. I’ll play it a bit but it’s not gonna keep my attention for more than 100+ hours
new zombies map tomorrow
honestly the zombies map could never pull me away from this game. i am too hype
honestly the zombies map could never pull me away from this game. i am too hype
you gotta okay it before map is so fire