Some new music to showcase. This was the first time I actually went to a professional studio so I am very excited about being able to just tell this story as my own form of therapy. All opinions are welcome as always over here. If you like it, wonderful! If you hate it, that's wonderful too! I don't mind. I am just glad that you took the time out to listen to what I have to say for even a second. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way with this. My friend who did the art, my friend who came with me to the studio, and everyone that gives it a listen. I hope you enjoy. I bring to you LAJ. Available on all streaming platforms including Tidal, Apple Music, and Spotify.
I am masked up and going out so see you all later. Once again, Hope you enjoy. If not. Thank you for being you anyways 🙂
EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention. Listen closely to the earlier songs. There are a few callbacks to be found in the later ones. Okay, now I'm gone!