Since it’s a new song y’all think it’s part of the album rollout or just a throwaway or something?
How do we know it’s new?
WAP gonna block Drake’s lead
Edit: drake stans, this is a joke
We haven't even gotten what is dropping yet and this is what is on your mind? Yikes.
cardo tweeted it i doubt its greece bruh
pretty sure greece is out of the list since khaled hasnt posted s***
WAP gonna block Drake’s lead
Edit: drake stans, this is a joke
I can promise you whatever drake is dropping tomorrow is MAJOR and will go number 1
why the f*** people itt saying khaled
you think drake still about the khaled singles? it's album szn and it's a new song tomorrow
why the f*** people itt saying khaled
you think drake still about the khaled singles? it's album szn and it's a new song tomorrow
I pray that you’re right king
Well, there you have it. Not surprising. I wonder who shot it.
Theooooo I hope
We haven't even gotten what is dropping yet and this is what is on your mind? Yikes.
learn to take a joke. Drake’s accomplishments are not yours, no need to get defensive
I wonder if it's a song about his son.
Yes, it is. If you look closely, you can see Adonis grabbing on to Drake for dear life at the back of his jet ski.