1. There is no page numbers on top of th threads. U gotta scroll down to see it then jump to the last page. On the old KTT u canj just go to the last’s page before even entering the thread. It’s p useful with artists or album threads tbh
2. Notifications are a hassle to go through. Tbh the notifications on the old site were much more organized. Now if u get lild 20+ notif u pretty much lost. It’d be better to use the old layout but separate notifications for likes & quotes
3. The posts are too damn small it’s like the genius forum. Best thing about the old KTT layout is that each post has its space.
This is all on mobile btw I’ve mever used the desktop version
Thank u scotch :)
1. There is no page numbers on top of th threads. U gotta scroll down to see it then jump to the last page. On the old KTT u canj just go to the last’s page before even entering the thread. It’s p useful with artists or album threads tbh
2. Notifications are a hassle to go through. Tbh the notifications on the old site were much more organized. Now if u get lild 20+ notif u pretty much lost. It’d be better to use the old layout but separate notifications for likes & quotes
3. The posts are too damn small it’s like the genius forum. Best thing about the old KTT layout is that each post has its space.
This is all on mobile btw I’ve mever used the desktop version
Thank u scotch :)
hey, 1 & 2 will be addressed soon, but you can click the "page 1 of 2" thing at the top and choose a page
and for #3 try switching to classic layout