game done changed…
So like what if someone comes in the room while you watch, they stop the movie or charge extra???
Netflix and hide in the other room for a minute honey
I get the feeling that it’ll pause the film if someone else walks into the room, and make you either pay for another person or wait until they leave the room
edit: yep lmao
the scariest thing that could happen with this is studios see a chance to make more money and stop releasing movies on physical media or VOD therefore forcing people to pay per viewer for every movie no matter how old it is
Can’t wait for this to flop
They need to just pick up Sean Parker’s old idea
this actual company will flop, but something like this will definitely succeed
with the end game that streaming will surpass theatre viewing in spades, there's gonna be a substantial amount of money lost and less a***ytics companies can flex once you remove the idea of tickets (not to mention you lose a massive amount of "viewers" since you can't account for multiple people watching the joint together)
I get the feeling that it’ll pause the film if someone else walks into the room, and make you either pay for another person or wait until they leave the room
edit: yep lmao they can keep that. There are a million different ways to find a movie online these days so good luck to them
the scariest thing that could happen with this is studios see a chance to make more money and stop releasing movies on physical media or VOD therefore forcing people to pay per viewer for every movie no matter how old it is
this will flop worse than quibi if it even gets out of the gate lol that’s not happening
Like nobody will buy this lol
You say that until the studios decide to join together and start strong-arming something like this. Even most indie studios/filmmakers would prob be down for something like this, since they can def make more money dropping directly on a pay per viewer than trying to release in cinemas or VOD
You say that until the studios decide to join together and start strong-arming something like this. Even most indie studios/filmmakers would prob be down for something like this, since they can def make more money dropping directly on a pay per viewer than trying to release in cinemas or VOD
Exactly lmao as soon as this thing gets exclusive movies which people are excited about this will get bought.
Hoping the filmmakers and actors in the industry got a bit of common sense in them not to make movies for this thing. But we'll see....
Don't expect the studios to care at all though