A lot of stories can seem trash when written out a certain way
I haven't and won't read these spoilers but just saying
got Spoiled from f***ing reddit lol
I went to block someone on Twitter and they had the f***ing spoilers right in their header
I really wanna know what sounds so bad about it but at the same time I really don’t
Lmaaaoo all these creative ways to spoil someone. Sony needs to drop the s*** and pick up their losses lol
Naughty Dog really just needs to let this s*** go man. I understand not everyone has an internet connection and thus not everyone could “enjoy the game at the same time,” but what’s waiting a few days for a physical to ship to you? I personally don’t see it as being that big of a deal and I think the game is gonna be a massive success regardless of the release strategy.
Just checked the leaks out aint really nothing crazy tbh. everything I expected