guy who leaked it made us all a service, best option for naughty dog is to scrap it and make another one
Whoever leaked this is a piece of s*** tho, doesn't really matter what the reason is.
These games take so long to make and it's a team effort, so it's not just a f*** you to the people who run the company it's a f*** you to everyone who also worked on the game.
Whoever leaked this is a piece of s*** tho, doesn't really matter what the reason is.
These games take so long to make and it's a team effort, so it's not just a f*** you to the people who run the company it's a f*** you to everyone who also worked on the game.
yeah I feel bad for the team at ND who worked their ass off.
guy who leaked it made us all a service, best option for naughty dog is to scrap it and make another one
Already seeing some people say they were glad their pre-orders got cancelled for the delay now
to this in an hour lol? spoilers were so bad that you had to contemplate them for an hour?
If they just dropped it now, there would be a much higher likelihood of people playing it to see for themselves how the story goes rather than if they drop it later and a bunch of people get spoiled and lose interest.
Whoever leaked this is a piece of s*** tho, doesn't really matter what the reason is.
These games take so long to make and it's a team effort, so it's not just a f*** you to the people who run the company it's a f*** you to everyone who also worked on the game.
Well maybe Naughty Dog should pay their employees lol. The guy seemed to have enough reason to be paid if he had access to that much content for leaks at home
If they just dropped it now, there would be a much higher likelihood of people playing it to see for themselves how the story goes rather than if they drop it later and a bunch of people get spoiled and lose interest.
This might change how games release tbh. Might be the death of the disc for sure
Already seeing some people say they were glad their pre-orders got cancelled for the delay now
not suprised, this is the worst thing I've read
I’ve read online that ND is similar to Rockstar with having their employees work like 12 hour days every day and s***. If that’s true, something like this was bound to happen at some point.
Should I spoil myself
I ended up spoiling myself. Story is so bad that I didn’t even care. It’s like fan fiction, not even worth getting worked up over.
Should I spoil myself
do it brother, it's really not worth paying money for this game
again I think I overreacted when I first read the leaks however what im currently hung up on is the exact ending.
Got spoiled a little and then decided to go all in ... Boy oh boy BIG YIKES all around
Well maybe Naughty Dog should pay their employees lol. The guy seemed to have enough reason to be paid if he had access to that much content for leaks at home
How do you know they dont?
We don't know what the situation is.
Doesn't change the fact that it's an extremely selfish thing to do.
Last of Us was good for the intensity of it's action, but the story was always basic to me. I much prefer Lee and Clementine's story from TT: TWD
Still don't want to be spoiled for TLOU 2 though. Even though I believe the story will be basic af.
what yall think gon happen to the dev that leaked it
never hired again and blackballed