Even you don't believe this. Drake has released some of the best songs this year.
you have brain damage anyways
who the f*** cares what you think
Escape Plan is pretty mediocre, very weird people were hyping that for the lead single.
Mafia is a lil better, but still not great
This makes me wonder if these will be on a project or get the Watch treatment and just be singles beforehand
Escape plan snippet is pretty much tje hardest part of the song and mafia sound like too cudi
Escape plan snippet is pretty much tje hardest part of the song and mafia sound like too cudi
Might be but i’m digging these songs I think it is a tease to the album
Might be but i’m digging these songs I think it is a tease to the album
He need to drop knife and lost forever
Escape plan snippet is pretty much tje hardest part of the song and mafia sound like too cudi
Don’t hear the cudi influence tbh on mafia
He need to drop knife and lost forever
All these songs would be perfect for a teaser tape before the album
Don’t hear the cudi influence tbh on mafia
Cudi influence is literally why Trav exists
how is this anywhere close to rodeo
He’s back on his rapping s***
Not relying on that single melodic cadence like in HITR etc
Production still very much on point, dope details throughout etc
Idk lol maybe some of y’all just got bored from his music but as someone who don’t like Astroworld, I just have to admit this is great
Cudi influence is literally why Trav exists
It’s a difference between a song like dance on the moon and mafia
Not even the oooooooooo part?
I’d associate that with travis now tbf
I’d associate that with travis now tbf
S*** sounded like one of cudis hums imo. Song is cool but beat too slow to be that repetitive imo but maybe itll grow on me. I like the cole feat
yves teasing a travis collab in his ig comments
He’s definetly one of the peoples he’s talking about in this interview
damn cole sounds really good on mafia
Escape Plan is pretty mediocre, very weird people were hyping that for the lead single.
Mafia is a lil better, but still not great