He doesnt have the info like Kronic
YLD wishes he was Kr0niic
Still waiting for Days After Rodeo
I stand with Kr0niic
this is a small project
Dystopia was real s/o to the Ktt user that leaked it
man - rager
its audio terrorism season babe
crazy if we fr get a whole tape
if this is the whole mixtape we expecting it to be short like jackboys?
After that ft with thug im actually in this time
bro shut up
We innnn babyyyyy astroworld 2018 aoty
This is gonna be a single isn’t it smh
But why wouldn’t he say “Escape plan tonight auxbeixjeocmeoxmek” if it was just one song?
Finally excited about a new drop
Bat boy is more than a retro posterHes an icon and a legend
Thank God Yahweh bhudda in heaven for this absolute blessing on a Thursday mornin