Brazy right cuhs
Are you? Pretty easy to comprehend my response
No I was genuinely asking I agree with u I was just asking if ur high yes I’m high
Go f*** yourself, Katherine.
I fw it but this weeknd got m e zooooooomin
u probably d*** girls for s***my man
You're so unique and bohemian brah
Just expressing my opinion breh
This certinaly not “dark late night r&b” like the rollout made me believe it would be
What happened with y’all and “no more daytime music!!” because this album besides 2 singles and one other song sounds exactly like that to me
u probably d*** girls for s***my man
I show girls love and care for s***don’t you project ur life on me dude I’m fine over here
Just expressing my opinion breh
This certinaly not “dark late night r&b” like the rollout made me believe it would be
What happened with y’all and “no more daytime music!!” because this album besides 2 singles and one other song sounds exactly like that to me
It’s night time day time nusic it’s thaf 3am rolling feeling likd 12pm feeling do u get what I’m saying turn this s*** up CUS IM HEARTLESS TURN THIS UP
It’s night time day time nusic it’s thaf 3am rolling feeling likd 12pm feeling do u get what I’m saying turn this s*** up CUS IM HEARTLESS TURN THIS UP
If I was rolling to this album I’d be coming down quick
If you’re an edgy white girl who came of age in 2009? Yeah I can see that. For the rest of us, literally any album this year is better
If you’re an edgy white girl who came of age in 2009? Yeah I can see that. For the rest of us, literally any album this year is better
You can suck my whole d*** bro lmfao
If I was rolling to this album I’d be coming down quick
Cus u sleeeeeeppyyyy booooo u borrrriinnnnggggg ur not even allowed in the party tribecalledwest fyck outaaaa here
One of my top 3.
Grimes, Gambino , Weeknd
Fire still haven’t listened to that gambino though
You can suck my whole d*** bro lmfao
I can tell by you calling me bro that you are indeed an edgy 2009 white girl