Real life is absolute f***in CHEEK dont ever compare dat to dis boi
Real Life isn’t terrible in the grand scheme of things. But as an album opener compared to his other it doesn’t hold up
I can’t place my finger on it but I hear Real Life so much when I listen to this performance...maybe that’s why some people are turned off by it
This song gives me heavy BBTM vibes in general
Real life is absolute f***in CHEEK dont ever compare dat to dis boi
real lofe is way better than this trash
I fw this, Hope there is more synths on the album..
man you're in for a treat
I can’t place my finger on it but I hear Real Life so much when I listen to this performance...maybe that’s why some people are turned off by it
Both 6 syllables and both put emphasis on the vowel 'O'
Hell nah
If we’re counting his albums as
This has potential to be his best
nothing is touching kissland atm
nothing is touching kissland atm
Live For is on Kissland so it’s definitely possible
Bout to listen to BBTM. I'm getting desperate
i been going through his entire discog, can't wait for the new album
So far
Real Life: 3/10
Honesty Abel's worst intro. I've never liked this song
Should have been solo weekend. And that Mardi gras s*** at the end does this song no favors
Tell your friends:7/10
I've always liked this song, but like with a lot of songs on this album, this song feels overly long
Often: 8/10
I underappreciated this track before, but surprisingly it aged really well imo. That sample is so good
I got a feeling that cdq/album version gon be longer
I think theseconddream said it is
So far
Real Life: 3/10
Honesty Abel's worst intro. I've never liked this song
Should have been solo weekend. And that Mardi gras s*** at the end does this song no favors
Tell your friends:7/10
I've always liked this song, but like with a lot of songs on this album, this song feels overly long
Often: 8/10
I underappreciated this track before, but surprisingly it aged really well imo. That sample is so good
You real for the often take
I can’t place my finger on it but I hear Real Life so much when I listen to this performance...maybe that’s why some people are turned off by it
he interpolated Real Life on Scared to Live