The BMI is truly broken HOWEVER if you can’t climb a couple flights of stairs with some heavy breathing WORK OUT FATTIE
If you are a white, black, Latino, Asian, man or woman the most likely thing to kill you is heart disease or cancer due to poor diet/activity by a large large margin.
Damn @Beautiful_Morning guess you know what your new year's resolution is
You can bench all u want but your body doesnt know that and thinks youre overweight anyway even if its all muscle
Wow dere mr kinesiologist
My healthy body weight range is 115-150 for my height but im 215 and bench 375 so BMI is just not saying much
Im def overweight though
How tall are you?
Damn @Beautiful_Morning guess you know what your new year's resolution is
If you don’t actively train with weights, I don’t want to hear s*** about how BMI is broken
Couldn't be me
All you fat niggas stay out of CO