2010 Celtics losing to the lakers was far worse than any other sports fandom L I’ve taken
Just like y’all lost afc championship at home last year
Hope you enjoyed it, the last game Brady was good
Hope you enjoyed it, the last game Brady was good
Says a lot about the rest of
The league if this is true
Saints slapping the dogshit outta whoever we gotta play
Y’all playing the Vikings
This avi x name combo is weird man
Tf does Quadra and Zendaya got to do with each other
Just like nobody scared of a team that lost to the Dolphins
I got mad love for the Phins no disrespect
Marcus Williams getting ready to tackle his own teammates as we speak 🙄
I’m wheeling all the TVs out his house rn
At some point, we as a franchise just gotta have some self respect and REFUSE to lose to Seattle again
At some point, we as a franchise just gotta have some self respect and REFUSE to lose to Seattle again
Y’all got it
2010 Celtics losing to the lakers was far worse than any other sports fandom L I’ve taken
Lmao Kobe is so f***ing bad man. Pau Gasol is legit a demon I will never forget