  • frank 2022

    is it racist to hold my breath around an asian dude if theyre wearing one of those masks? especially at the beginning of the semester when foreign exchange students just got back home. like i know nothing would happen and theyre probably not even chinese, but i cant help being paranoid about f***ing dying. especially early on when no one knew what was going on but there were tons of rumors online about "bioweapons" and it being transmitted easily through the air. it felt wrong but.. survival yknow?

    lol i sound so defensive, it probably was a little racist.

    I didn’t think it was racist when I did it, the coincidences are wayyy too high to not consider it

  • Feb 27, 2020

    Honestly feel bad for laughing at some of the memes & jokes. No one deserves that kinda alienation

  • hot pancakes

    All I know is my 401k took a huge dip these past two days f***in virus

    It’s gonna keep taking one too lol, stop checking until this s*** blows over

    Eastern world gonna be assed out industrially

  • Feb 27, 2020

    mfs itt admitting to doing some racist s*** and but people are focused on the guys cracking jokes about the virus smh...