Wow this video and song are both 🤢
Feels super rushed
Also the product placement is so bad
Did I just see product placement for a probiotic drink and an investment borrow app?
Did I just see product placement for a probiotic drink and an investment borrow app?
Yeah get used to it
nicki sound washed as f*** here im not gonna lie
Everyone saying this but i kinda like it idk. It is her brand after all so it just feels right
Everyone saying this but i kinda like it idk. It is her brand after all so it just feels right
its def on brand but this whole song awkward af, maybe its cause its a drill beat. idk
this looked like a cool idea but the final result is kinda meh, song could’ve been a lot better but still it’s fine
this s***'s ass water
also this ice spice girl looking so white in this video
Ice spixe we don't wanna see you without the fro what the hell are you doing girl