The only reason Kanye put Cole on Looking for trouble is because Cole stans would go on ustream and beg kanye to work with cole b
Soon as that song dropped and Cole outshined EVERYBODY, kanye never worked with him again b
The only reason Kanye put Cole on Looking for trouble is because Cole stans would go on ustream and beg kanye to work with cole b
Soon as that song dropped and Cole outshined EVERYBODY, kanye never worked with him again b
Real ones know b
had to sample the god to make a radio hit
Ye samples greats to make his best songs all the time b
why is this thread thoomin
You think Brady coming back for one last season with y’all?
Ye samples greats to make his best songs all the time b
he never sampled cole though
he never sampled cole though
He never sampled drake or dot either b
@Zaywop rename thread Official J Cole Thread
We already got one b
had to sample the god to make a radio hit
How many pages it got
F***ing 4. Go make more
Jay taking Cole under his wing was basically him finding his own Drake like Wayne and cosigning a younger Kanye
Lowkey not gonna be a good look for Ye if his best prodigy was the man who dropped the big day
Sean been inconsistent ever since DSP and trav been hopped on to the trap wave