terrible attempt at a joke tbh
Pretty hilarious
Damn I wish there was a section where I could discuss the impact Coles music has had on my life without getting constant ridicule b
"J.Cole puts me to bloody sleep"
j cole give me cornball vibes , usually niggas that like him just cut from a different cloth than me
cole hate been sliding for years and will slide until he puts out something on the quality of like FNL
2014 FHD?
doesn't deserve one tbh
not a huge cole fan but he definitely deserves one over lorde or brockhampton
not a huge cole fan but he definitely deserves one over lorde or brockhampton
fair shout
What if there was a safe space on the site for Cole discussion? What’s the word I’m looking for?
why this thread have 6 pages
Cole sxn otw
how did i discredit cole
i said this s*** was average (changed it from mediocre, which it really is, cause i wasn't tryna be a d***)
cole isn't a great, i'm confused why people gas up s*** like this
Cole is a great. That's where your discrediting him tf. And if you weren't trying to be a d*** about it you could've left it at the average
Mental gymnastics rn
2014 FHD?
a couple aight songs ngl but did not stand out at all and didn't age well. i thought he could have followed it up with something cool but really his last 2 albums have been unlistenable. couldn't make it through em
What if there was a safe space on the site for Cole discussion? What’s the word I’m looking for?
j cole give me cornball vibes , usually niggas that like him just cut from a different cloth than me
Yea yall some hoe ass niggas
Just another thread with Kanye being brought up for no reason
Theres literally a ye stan attacking us. And none of the people sticking up for cole have said anything about ye
Cole is a great. That's where your discrediting him tf. And if you weren't trying to be a d*** about it you could've left it at the average
Mental gymnastics rn
Cole is not a great. I'm not discrediting Keed if I say Keed isn't a great cause that's an objective fact (and I love Keed). Years of mid doesn't make you a great man
and i did leave it at that until you pretended calling someone average is an insult or sumn
Cole has 2 great projects (at least Friday Night Lights), a couple cool ones & duds
He consistently makes great songs and has made a ton of great songs over his career
He just never connected the dots and made an outright undeniable classics although I’d argue Forest Hills is a classic
Y’all lame and acting like hoes tryna have the most polarizing take and joke all the time. This site is f***ing kindergarden
Cole sxn after 5 days