Can we embed links pls
Hell nah
I ain’t want to find the song in the first place but they locked it
@other dude post in this one
Nwords wanna be like Kray, nwords wanna be like Purrp
Nword shined up like I'm Kane 'cause I came straight from the dirt
Wayne had crack in this hook
I miss when Wayne did hooks
I miss when Wayne did hooks
I was thinking the same thing when listening to this
Has Game done a rage song yet? He used to always hop on the latest trend
I’m crying thinking about a game rage song
I can whine about women and think about taxes without the need for j cole and drake
I can whine about women and think about taxes without the need for j cole and drake
It’s just a bar in the song
F*** them lightskin niggas
Nigga be running in here to hate
@scott rename website